Browse Books in Political Science

Saskatchewan Politicians
Lives Past and Present
An Introduction to Democratic Government

Canadian Politics, Fourth Edition

Making Every Vote Count
Reassessing Canada's Electoral System

Steps Toward Making Every Vote Count
Electoral Ssytem Reofrm in Canada and its Provinces

Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature

New Missions, Old Problems

Herder on Nationality, Humanity, and History

The Next World War
Tribes, Cities, Nations, and Ecological Decline

Educational Outcomes for the Canadian Workplace
New Frameworks for Policy and Research

Manitoba's French-Language Crisis
A Cautionary Tale

The North American Democratic Peace
Absence of War and Security Institutions Building in Canadians-U.S. Relations (1867-1958)

Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime

The Breached Citadel
Durable Peace
Challenges for Peacebuilding in Africa

Dark Threats and White Knights
The Somalia Affair, Peacekeeping, and the New Imperialism

Clusters in a Cold Climate
Innovation Dynamics in a Diverse Economy

An Action A Day
Keeps Global Capitalism Away

An Action A Day

Saskatchewan Premiers of the Twentieth Century

The Riddle of Human Rights
Education in a Lean State

Who’s Afraid of Demergers?
A Journalist Takes on Tremblay, Olivier, and Other Defenders of Quebec’s Municipal Mergers

Democracy off Balance
Freedom of Expression and Hate Propaganda Law in Canada

Visions of Canada
The Alan B. Plaunt Memorial Lectures, 1958 - 1992