Browse Books in Political Science

Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World

The Canadian General Election of 2004
Modern Clan Politics
The Power of "Blood" in Kazakhstan and Beyond

From Naked Ape to Superspecies
Humanity and the Global Eco-Crisis

This Kindred People
Canadian-American Relations and the Anglo-Saxon Idea, 1895-1903

The Northern Ireland Conflict
Consociational Engagements

The Hateful and the Obscene
Studies in the Limits of Free Expression

Future: Tense
The Coming World Order?
Wrong Way

The Promise and Peril of International Trade


Only a Beginning
An Anarchist Anthology

The Horn of Africa as Common Homeland
The State and Self-Determination in the Era of Heightened Globalization

Theorizing Historical Consciousness

Questions of Tradition

Shocking Mother Russia
Democratization, Social Rights, and Pension Reform in Russia, 1990-2001

How Ottawa Spends, 2004-2005
Mandate Change and Continuity in the Paul Martin Era

Linking Civil Society and the State
Urban Popular Movements, the Left, and Local Government in Peru, 1980-1992

The Decline and Fall of Ontario’s Electric Empire

The Diverse Worlds of Unemployed Adults
Consequences for Leisure, Lifestyle, and Well-being

In My Own Name

Shake Hands with the Devil
The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda
E-government Reconsidered
Renewal of Governance in the Knowledge Age

Hello, I'm Special
How Individuality Became The New Conformity