Browse Books in Political Science

The Serbian Project and Its Adversaries
A Strategy of War Crimes
New Trends in Canadian Federalism

New Trends in Canadian Federalism, Second Edition

Activism and Social Change
Lessons for Community and Local Organizing

Where I Come From

Insurance as Governance

State of Struggle
Feminism and Politics in Alberta

El arte de la negociacion
Una simulacion sobre la resolucion de conflictos en los paises federales

Canadian Politics Unplugged

The Party without Bosses
Lessons on Anti-Capitalism from Félix Guattari and Luís Inácio 'Lula' da Silva

Commissions of Inquiry
Praise or Reappraise?

Reforming Parliamentary Democracy

Shall We Dance?
A Patriotic Politics for Canada

Western Visions, Western Futures
Perspectives on the West in Canada, Second Edition

Clusters Old and New
The Transition to a Knowledge Economy in Canada's Regions

AIDS Activist
Michael Lynch and the Politics of Community

Protegér la démocratie canadienne
Le Senat, en vérité …

Protecting Canadian Democracy
The Senate You Never Knew

The Myth of the Sacred
The Charter, the Courts, and the Politics of the Constitution in Canada

Is Canada Postcolonial?
Unsettling Canadian Literature

Toward the Charter
Canadians and the Demand for a National Bill of Rights, 1929-1960

The Nonprofit Sector in Interesting Times
Case Studies in a Changing Sector

Veiled Threat
The Hidden Power Of The Women Of Afghanistan

In the Long Run We're All Dead
The Canadian Turn to Fiscal Restraint