Browse Books in Political Science

Principles and Gerrymanders
Parliamentary Redistribution of Ridings in Ontario, 1840-1973

The Servant State
Overseeing Capital Accumulation in Canada

Thinking Outside the Box
Innovation in Policy Ideas

The St. Petersburg Connection
Russian-American Friendship from Revolution to Revolution

Dalton McGuinty
Making a Difference

Whose Man in Havana?
Adventures from the Far Side of Diplomacy

Arab Dawn
Arab Youth and the Demographic Dividend They Will Bring

Water as a Social Opportunity

World Tribunal on Iraq
Making the Case Against War

Trade, Industrial Policy, and International Competition, Second Edition

The Climate Nexus
Water, Food, Energy and Biodiversity in a Changing World

Reconsidering C.B. MacPherson
From Possessive Individualism to Democratic Theory and Beyond

Losing Our Voice
Radio-Canada Under Siege

The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Volume Two: 1948-1957

The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon.Lester B. Pearson, Volume One: 1897-1948

The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Volume Three: 1957-1968

Speaking Power to Truth
Digital Discourse and the Public Intellectual

The Constitutions that Shaped Us
A Historical Anthology of Pre-1867 Canadian Constitutions

Making a Scene
Lesbians and Community across Canada, 1964-84

Parties and Party Systems
Structure and Context

Maritime Command Pacific
The Royal Canadian Navy’s West Coast Fleet in the Early Cold War

The Untold Story of the Fight for Equality in the RCMP

Soviet Princeton
Slim Evans and the 1932-33 Miners' Strike

Should the West Engage Putin’s Russia?
The Munk Debates