Browse Books in Political Science

From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation
A Road Map for All Canadians

After '08
Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis

Hunger in the Balance
The New Politics of International Food Aid

Arab Dawn
Arab Youth and the Demographic Dividend They Will Bring

The Idea of a Human Rights Museum

How We Changed Toronto
The inside story of twelve creative, tumultuous years in civic life, 1969-1980

How Nations Innovate
The Political Economy of Technological Innovation in Affluent Capitalist Economies

Welfare Reform in Canada
Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective

Red, White, and Kind of Blue?
The Conservatives and the Americanization of Canadian Constitutional Culture

The Conflict in Ukraine
What Everyone Needs to Know

The Inequality Trap
Fighting Capitalism Instead of Poverty

Painting Imperialism and Nationalism Red
The Ukrainian Marxist Critique of Russian Communist Rule in Ukraine, 1918-1925

So They Want Us to Learn French
Promoting and Opposing Bilingualism in English-Speaking Canada

Modeling Cities and Regions as Complex Systems
From Theory to Planning Applications

We’re Going to Run This City
Winnipeg's Political Left after the General Strike

Fighting for Taxpayers
Battles Fought and Battles Ahead

Salonica Terminus
Travels into the Balkan Nightmare

Civic Symbol
Creating Toronto's New City Hall, 1952-1966

Political Argument
A Guide to Research, Writing, and Debating

Big Tent Politics
The Liberal Party’s Long Mastery of Canada’s Public Life

Points of Entry
How Canada’s Immigration Officers Decide Who Gets in

The Morning After
The 1995 Quebec Referendum and the Day that Almost Was

Disarming Conflict
Why Peace Cannot Be Won on the Battlefield

What Is Government Good At?
A Canadian Answer