Browse Books in Political Science

Lions or Jellyfish
Newfoundland-Ottawa Relations since 1957

Lions or Jellyfish
Newfoundland-Ottawa Relations since 1957

The Human Right to Citizenship
A Slippery Concept

Global Labour in the Digital Vortex

Food Confidential
The Corporate Takeover of Food Security and the Family Farm—and What to Do About It

The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State

Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Systems

Germany's Second Reich
Portraits and Pathways

Canada: The State of the Federation, 2012
Regions, Resources, and Resiliency

Local Self-Government and the Right to the City

The Politics of Popular Culture
Negotiating Power, Identity, and Place

The Queen at the Council Fire
The Treaty of Niagara, Reconciliation, and the Dignified Crown in Canada

Canada Lives Here
The Case for Public Broadcasting

A Subtle Balance
Expertise, Evidence, and Democracy in Public Policy and Governance, 1970-2010

La Magna Carta, son importance pour le Canada
La démocratie, le droit et les droits de la personne

The Stability Imperative
Human Rights and Law in China

The Stability Imperative
Human Rights and Law in China

State Traditions and Language Regimes

Health Care and Politics
An Insider's View On Managing And Sustaining Health Care In Canada

Protest and Politics
The Promise of Social Movement Societies

The Ward
The Life and Loss of Toronto's First Immigrant Neighbourhood

The Ward
The Life and Loss of Toronto’s First Immigrant Neighbourhood

Colonial Extractions
Race and Canadian Mining in Contemporary Africa

Human Rights
India and the West