Browse Books in Political Science

Beyond the Welfare State
Postwar Social Settlement and Public Pension Policy in Canada and Australia

The Organization of Cities
Initiative, ordinary life, and the good life

Understanding Atrocities
Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide

Fueling Culture
101 Words for Energy and Environment

Killing Others
A Natural History of Ethnic Violence

The Islamic Challenge and the United States
Global Security in an Age of Uncertainty

Salafism After the Arab Awakening
Contending with People's Power

Second Thoughts
Investor State Arbitration between Developed Democracies

Regulating Creation
The Law, Ethics, and Policy of Assisted Human Reproduction

Regulating Creation
The Law, Ethics, and Policy of Assisted Human Reproduction

Policy Work in Canada
Professional Practices and Analytical Capacities

Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries

The Heresy of Wu Han
His play 'Hai Jui's Dismissal' and its role in China's Cultural Revolution

Disarmament under International Law

Fighting for Credibility
US Reputation and International Politics

Business in a Changing Climate
Explaining Industry Support for Carbon Pricing

Planning Canadian Regions, Second Edition

Governing Cities Through Regions
Canadian and European Perspectives

Charlie Foxtrot
Fixing Defence Procurement in Canada

K9 Drug Detection
A Manual for Training and Operations

The Politics of Ontario

The Promise and Challenge of Party Primary Elections
A Comparative Perspective

Promise and Challenge of Party Primary Elections
A Comparative Perspective

Not My Party
The rise and fall of Canadian Tories, from Robert Stanfield to Stephen Harper