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Browse Books in Political Science

Impulse to Act

A New Anthropology of Resistance and Social Justice

edited by Othon Alexandrakis
contributions by Jessica Greenberg, Eirine Avramapoulou, Irene Peano, James D. Faubion, Neni Panourgia, Tania Ahmad, Cymene Howe, Petra Rethmann, John Postill, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Alex Khasnabish & Athanasiou Athena

Representation and Citizenship

edited by Richard Marback
contributions by Rogers M. Smith, Will Kymlicka, Nora Hui-Jung Kim, Terri Susan Fine, John O'Keefe, Kerry Wynn & Susan L.T. Ashley

Is This Who We Are?

14 Questions about Québec

by (author) Alain Dubuc
translated by Nigel Spencer

Conversations in Food Studies

edited by Colin R. Anderson, Jennifer Brady & Charles Z. Levkoe
foreword by Mustafa Koç
contributions by Mary A. Beckie, Eva A. Bogdan, Mark Bomford, Jennifer A. Braun, Samara Brock, Robyn Bunn, Kirsten Valentine Cadieux, Chantal Clement, Anais Detolle, Arthur Green, Ankit Gupta, Robert Jennings, Josee Johnson, Huddart Kennedy, Ahmed Khan, Keith Lee, Kristen Lowitt, Wanda Martin, Victoria Millious, Phil Mount, Erika Mundel, Alan Nash, Seriy Polyakov, Keren Rideout, Steffanie Scott, Tammara Soma, Cathryn Sprague, Jennifer Sumner, David Szanto, Lani Trenouth, Penny Van Esterik, Matt Ventresca, Cassie Wever, Carmen Wong & Konstantinos Zougris

The Death and Life of the Urban Commonwealth

by (author) Margaret Kohn

Northern Lights

Exploring Canada’s Think Tank Landscape

by (author) Donald E. Abelson

Northern Lights

Exploring Canada's Think Tank Landscape

by (author) Donald E. Abelson

Welcome to Greater Edendale

Histories of Environment, Health, and Gender in an African City

by (author) Marc Epprecht


Truth and Lies on Parliament Hill

by (author) Kevin Page

Egypt beyond Tahrir Square

contributions by Bessma Momani, Eid Mohamed, Hesham Genidy, Mohammed el-Naway, Sahar Aziz, Justine Salam, Maissaa Almustafa, Ismail Alexandrani, Isaac Friesen, Dina Rashed, Dalia F. Fahmy, Mohamad Hamas Elmasry, Shereen Abouelnaga, Mohammad Fadel & Mai Mogib Mosad

Governing Practices

Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and the Ethnographic Imaginary

edited by Michelle Brady & Randy K. Lippert

Canadian Foreign Policy in a Unipolar World

by (author) Michael Hawes & Christopher Kirkey

Thinking Government

Public Administration and Politics in Canada, Fourth Edition

by (author) David Johnson

Private Profits versus Public Policy

The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Canadian State

by (author) Joel Lexchin

Seeking Order in Anarchy

Multilateralism as State Strategy

edited by Robert W. Murray


The Rise to Power of Pierre Elliott Trudeau

by (author) Robert Wright

Water Policy Reform in Southern Alberta

An Advocacy Coalition Approach

by (author) B. Timothy Heinmiller

A River Captured

The Columbia River Treaty and Catastrophic Change

by (author) Eileen Delehanty Pearkes

The Frontier of Patriotism

Alberta and the First World War

edited by Adriana A. Davies & Jeff Keshen
contributions by David Borys, Juliette Champagne, Brett Clifton, Catherine C. Cole, Rory Cory, Duff Crerar, Michael Dawe, L. James Dempsey, Antonella Fanella, Alvin Finkel, Ryan Flavelle, David Gallant, Stephen Greenhalgh, Jarett Henderson, Mark Osborne Humphries, Chris Hyland, Kathryn Ivany, Allan Kerr, Norman Knowles, J. Whitney Lackenbauer, Robert Lampard, Michale Lang, Kassandra Luciuk, Rod McLeod, John Matthews, Peter McKenzie-Brown, Sean Moir, Patricia Myers, Allan Rowe, Robert Rutherdale, Amy Shaw, Donald J. Smith, Paul Stortz, Doug Styles, Ken Tingley, Aritha van Herk, Donald G. Wetherell & Anthony Worman

The Return of History

Conflict, Migration, and Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century

by (author) Jennifer Welsh

Law, Debt, and Merchant Power

The Civil Courts of Eighteenth-Century Halifax

edited by James Muir

Everyday Exposure

Indigenous Mobilization and Environmental Justice in Canada’s Chemical Valley

by (author) Sarah Marie Wiebe

Flight and Freedom

Stories of Escape to Canada

by (author) Ratna Omidvar & Dana Wagner

North America in the Anthropocene

by (author) Robert William Sandford

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