Browse Books in Political Science

Making a Global City
How One Toronto School Embraced Diversity

The Vimy Trap
or, How We Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Great War

On the Side of the Angels
Canada and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights

Zapantera Negra
An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas

Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective
Cases and Controversies

The Unfulfilled Promise of Press Freedom in Canada

Nuclear Portraits
Communities, the Environment, and Public Policy

How Jimmy Carter Lost an Election and Transformed the Post-Presidency

The Unbroken Machine
Canada's Democracy in Action

Emotions, Community, and Citizenship
Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives

NoNonsense ISIS and Syria
The new global war on terror

Getting Along in the World with Harper and Trudeau

Canadian Municipal Government

Foreign Voices in the House
A Century of Addresses to Canada's Parliament by World Leaders

Spying on Canadians
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Security Service and the Origins of the Long Cold War

The Daunting Enterprise of the Law
Essays in Honour of Harry W. Arthurs

Une tradition et un droit
Le Sénat et la représentation de la francophonie canadienne

Shopping for Change
Consumer Activism and the Possibilities of Purchasing Power

The Right Relationship
Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties

The Right Relationship
Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties

Escape Hatch
Newfoundland’s Quest for German Industry and Immigration, 1950–1970

New Treaty, New Tradition
Reconciling New Zealand and Maori Law

Frontier City
Toronto on the Verge of Greatness

Easy Prey Investors
Why Broken Safety Nets Threaten Your Wealth