Browse Books in Political Science

The Canadian Senate in Bicameral Perspective

War Memories
Commemoration, Recollections, and Writings on War

Shifting Terrain
Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada

The Shifting Terrain
Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada

Missing the Tide
Global Governments in Retreat

Marxism and Historical Practice (Vol. II)
Interventions and Appreciations

Marxism and Historical Practice (Vol. I)
Interpretive Essays on Class Formation and Class Struggle

Canada's Founding Debates

Toronto, No Mean City
Third Edition, Revised

Just Words
Constitutional Rights and Social Wrongs

Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume 3
Innovation and Adaptation, 1968-1984

Whose Mission, Whose Orders?
British Civil-Military Command and Control in Northern Ireland, 1968-1974

Manufacturing Urgency
The Development Industry and Violence Against Women

Latin American Politics
An Introduction, Second Edition

Trudeau’s Tango
Alberta Meets Pierre Elliott Trudeau, 1968–1972

Honest Politics Now
What ethical conduct means in Canadian public life

The Strains of Commitment
The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies

Turning Parliament Inside Out
Practical Ideas for Reforming Canada's Democracy

Permanent State of Emergency
Unchecked Executive Power and the Demise of the Rule of Law

The Killing Game
Martyrdom, Murder, and the Lure of ISIS

Protest Camps in International Context
Spaces, Infrastructures and Media of Resistance

A Canadian Perspective

A History of Mackenzie King’s Secret Life

A History of Mackenzie King's Secret Life