Browse Books in Political Science

The Institutions of Human Rights
Developments and Practices

Public Security in Federal Polities

Canadian Public Finance
Explaining Budgetary Institutions and the Budget Process in Canada

The Class Politics of Law
Essays Inspired by Harry Glasbeek

One Hundred Years of Struggle
The History of Women and the Vote in Canada

The People's Republic of Walmart
How the World's Biggest Corporations are Laying the Foundation for Socialism

Canada’s Official Languages
Policy Versus Work Practice in the Federal Public Service

Too Dumb for Democracy?
Why We Make Bad Political Decisions and How We Can Make Better Ones

Province Building and the Federalization of Immigration in Canada

Bureaucratic Manoeuvres
The Contested Administration of the Unemployed

Reflecting on Our Past and Embracing Our Future
A Senate Initiative for Canada

Réfléchir sur notre passé pour aborder notre avenir
Une initiative du Sénat pour le Canada

Making the New Middle East
Politics, Culture, and Human Rights

Scattering Chaff
Canadian Air Power and Censorship During the Kosovo War

Scattering Chaff
Canadian Air Power and Censorship During the Kosovo War

Divided Province
Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism

Violence and Nonviolence
Conceptual Excursions into Phantom Opposites

Radical Housewives
Price Wars and Food Politics in Mid-Twentieth-Century Canada

Identities, Trust, and Cohesion in Federal Systems
Public Perspectives

Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap

The Political Pattern

Community Planning
A Casebook on Law and Administration

Cases and Notes on Land Law