Browse Books in Native American

Bi-gishkoziitwin Biidaanzhed Biidaabang (Ojibwe Edition)

page as bone – ink as blood

The Pemmican Eaters

nakamowin sa for the seasons

In the Silhouette of Your Silences

Clay Pots and Bones

Chaos Inside Thunderstorms

Night for the Lady, A

Message Sticks

Ceremonies for the Dead

Indigena Awry

Beautiful Razor
love poems & other lies

Thoughts And Other Human Tendencies



the trees are still bending south

Rising with a Distant Dawn

Runaway Dreams

Lnu and Indians We're Called

Under god's pale bones

Skin Like Mine

Borderlands & Bloodlines

Stone the Crow

Nekt wikuhpon ehpit
Once there lived a woman: The Painting, Poetry and Politics of Shirley Bear/Il était une fois une femme : la peinture, la poésie et la politique de Shirley Bear