Browse Books in Environmental Conservation & Protection

Taking the Air
Ideas and Change in Canada's National Parks

Some Like It Cold
The Politics of Climate Change in Canada

A Passion for this Earth
Writers, Scientists, and Activists Explore Our Relationship with Nature and the Environment

The Wolf's Head
Writing Lake Superior

Silence Of The Songbirds

Green for Life
200 Simple Eco-ideas For Every Day

Genetically Modified Diplomacy
The Global Politics of Agricultural Biotechnology and the Environment

The Ecological History of the North Atlantic Fishery

Transboundary Policy Challenges in the Pacific Border Regions of North America

Raptor Research and Management Techniques

Good Crop / Bad Crop
Seed Politics and the Future of Food in Canada

The Natural Treasures of Carolinian Canada

Blue Covenant
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water

Spotted Owls
Shadows in an Old-Growth Forest

Water, Weather and the Mountain West

The Integrity Gap
Canada's Environmental Policy and Institutions

Fatal Consumption
Rethinking Sustainable Development

The Cost of Climate Policy

Restoration of the Great Lakes
Promises, Practices, and Performances

Biotechnology Unglued
Science, Society, and Social Cohesion

The Sacred Balance
Rediscovering Our Place in Nature

Penguins of the World

Being Caribou
Five Months on Foot with an Arctic Herd

Nature First
Outdoor Life the Friluftsliv Way