Browse Books in Environmental Conservation & Protection

Wildlife of Southern Forests
Habitat & Management

Carbon Play
The Candid Observations of a Carbon Pioneer

The Rights of Nature
A Legal Revolution That Could Save the World

Fighting Dirty
How a Small Community Took on Big Trash

Sharks of the Shallows
Coastal Species in Florida and the Bahamas

Are We Screwed?
How a New Generation is Fighting to Survive Climate Change

Nature, Place, and Story
Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada

Our Vanishing Glaciers
The Snows of Yesteryear and the Future Climate of the Mountain West

In Defence of Home Places
Environmental Activism in Nova Scotia

Spirit Bear
Encounters with the White Bear of the Western Rainforest

Alberta's Lower Athabasca Basin
Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments

Florida Manatees
Biology, Behavior, and Conservation

Just Cool It!
The Climate Crisis and What We Can Do - A Post-Paris Agreement Game Plan

The Carbon Code
How You Can Become a Climate Change Hero

Nuclear Portraits
Communities, the Environment, and Public Policy

Some Useful Wild Plants
A Foraging Guide to Food and Medicine From Nature

Tar Wars
Oil, Environment and Alberta's Image

Business in a Changing Climate
Explaining Industry Support for Carbon Pricing

The Sustainability Dilemma
Essays on British Columbia Forest and Environmental History

The Sky Was Copper Blue

Future Arctic
Field Notes from a World on the Edge

Striving for Environmental Sustainability in a Complex World
Canadian Experiences

Water Policy Reform in Southern Alberta
An Advocacy Coalition Approach

A River Captured
The Columbia River Treaty and Catastrophic Change