Browse Books in Environmental Conservation & Protection

Cleaner, Greener, Healthier
A Prescription for Stronger Canadian Environmental Laws and Policies

A World for My Daughter
An Ecologist's Search for Optimism

Linking Industry and Ecology
A Question of Design

Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins and Feather Stars of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound
of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound

The Optimistic Environmentalist
Progressing Towards a Greener Future

The Optimistic Environmentalist
Progressing Toward a Greener Future

Aliens Among Us
Invasive Animals and Plants in British Columbia

Allied Power
Mobilizing Hydro-electricity during Canada's Second World War

Islands' Spirit Rising
Reclaiming the Forests of Haida Gwaii

The Ocean Wise Cookbook 2
More Seafood Recipes that are Good for the Planet

Saving Farmland
The Fight for Real Food

Tod Inlet
A Healing Place

Canadian Cultural Heritage 4-Book Bundle
Molly Brant / Louis Riel / Harriet Tubman / Simon Girty

The Big Swim
Coming Ashore in a World Adrift

Masterminding Nature
The Breeding of Animals, 1750-2010

In the Power of the Government
The Rise and Fall of Newsprint in Ontario, 1894-1932

The Urban Homesteading Cookbook
Forage, Ferment, Farm and Feast for a Better World

The "Greening" of Costa Rica
Women, Peasants, Indigenous Peoples, and the Remaking of Nature

Peace Out
Adventures on the Road to Green Energy

Landscapes in Between
Environmental Change in Modern Italian Literature and Film

Tracking the Great Bear
How Environmentalists Recreated British Columbia’s Coastal Rainforest

Beautiful Destruction

The First Green Wave
Pollution Probe and the Origins of Environmental Activism in Ontario