Browse Books in Animals

British Columbia Nature Guide

Alberta Nature Guide

A Field Guide to Fossils

Birds of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest
A Complete Guide, Second Edition

The Mosquito
A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator

Birds of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

Birds of Northern California

Birds of Michigan
Caught on the Trail (ebook)
Nature's Wildlife Selfies

Caught on the Trail
Nature's Wildlife Selfies

Sharks, Skates, Rays and Chimeras of British Columbia

Spirits of the Coast
Orcas in Science, Art and History

A Field Guide to Crabs of the Pacific Northwest

Show Me the Honey
Adventures of an Accidental Apiarist

Hunting Narwhal in Spring and Summer

Talking with Bears
Conversations with Charlie Russell

Pocket Birds of Canada 2nd Edition

Their Natural History and Diversity

Birds of Alberta

Cry Wolf
Inquest into the True Nature of a Predator

Disappearing Giants
The North Atlantic Right Whale

The Flying Zoo
Birds, Parasites, and the World They Share

Rain Comin' Down
Water, Memory and Identity in a Changed World