Browse Books in Poetry

The Academic Avant-Garde
Poetry and the American University

The Vanishing Signs

Anarchists in the Academy
Machines and Free Readers in Experimental Poetry

Évangéline: The Many Identities of a Literary Icon

The Many Identities of a Literary Icon
I just wrote this five minutes ago
Essays on contemporary poetry

The Vernacular Strain in Newfoundland Poetry

I Just Wrote This Five Minutes Ago

Avant-Gardes in Crisis
Art and Politics in the Long 1970s

I Want to Tell You Love
A Critical Edition


Conversations with Donald Hall

The Quest for a 'National' Nationalism
E.J. Pratt’s Epic Ambition, ‘Race’ Consciousness, and the Contradictions of Canadian Identity

All New Animal Acts
Essays, Stretchers, Poems

Everybody’s Martyrology

William Blake
Modernity and Disaster

The Poetic Imperative
A Speculative Aesthetics

Laurier Poetry Pack #4
Wilfrid Laurier University Press

Writing and Reading

Constructive Negativity
Prize Culture, Evaluations, and Disability in Canadian Poetry

The Poetry of Robert Kroetsch

A Poet's Journey
on poetry and what it means to be a poet

The Nothing That Is
Essays on Art, Literature and Being

Margin of Interest
Essays on English Language Poetry of the Maritimes