Browse Books in Poetry
Patterns of Commitment in American Literature
Pan Tadeusz
The Last Foray in Lithuania
Rudyard Kipling
A Bibliographical Challenge
How a Poem Moves
A Field Guide for Readers of Poetry
The Lone Shieling
Origin and Authorship of the Blackwood 'Canadian Boat-Song'
The Harmony of Verse
Tradition in Exile
A Comparative Study of Social Influences on the Development of Australian and Canadian Poetry in the Nineteenth Century
Imitation & Design and Other Essays
George Chapman
A Critical Study
Derniers Vers
Avant Canada
Poets, Prophets, Revolutionaries
A Stone for Andrew Dunphy
Narrative Obituary Verse and Song in Northern Cape Breton
A World of Love and Mystery
In Search of Chaucer
That Invincible Samson
The Theme of Samson Agonistes in World Literature
Lesya Ukrainka
Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical Psalms
A Legacy of Lyrics
A Study in Parallels
Representative French Poetry (Second Edition)
Sonnets of Louise Labé
The Patriot Poets
American Odes, Progress Poems, and the State of the Union
What the Poets Are Doing
A Stone for Andrew Dunphy
Narrative Obituary Verse and Song in Northern Cape Breton Island