Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Blake Records Supplement
being new materials relating to the life of William Blake discovered since the publication of Blake Records (1969)
Greek Forms of Address
From Herodotus to Lucian
Medieval Studies for J. A. W. Bennett
Aetatis suae LXX
Thomas Hardy's 'Studies, Specimens andc.' Notebook
Claudian: Panegyricus de Sexto Consulatu Honorii Augusti
Holy Living and Holy Dying: Volume I: Holy Living
The Tales of Henry James: 3: 1875--1879
Holy Living and Holy Dying: Volume II: Holy Dying
Hardy's Fables of Integrity
Woman, Body, Text
Grillparzer's Libussa
The Tragedy of Separation
Luigi Pirandello
Contemporary Perspectives
The Mountain Is Moving
Japanese Women's Lives
Reading Mansfield and Metaphors of Form
Reading Mansfield and Metaphors of Form
Critical Images
The Canonization of Don Quixote through Illustrated Editions of the Eighteenth Century
Joseph Brodsky and the Baroque
The Sign in Theory and Practice
An Introductory Reader in Semiotics
Literature in the Light of the Emblem
Twentieth-Century Italian Literature in English Translation
An Annotated Bibliography, 1929-1997
Narrating Utopia
Ideology, Gender, Form in Utopian Literature
Bolder Flights
Essays on the Canadian Long Poem
Floating the Borders
New Contexts in Canadian Literature
ABC of Reading TRG
Essays on George F. Walker
Playing with Anxiety