Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Challenging Canada
Dialogism and Narrative Techniques in Canadian Novels

Coleridge and the Inspired Word

Negotiating with the Dead
A Writer on Writing

Ragas of Longing
The Poetry of Michael Ondaatje

A Book Lover's Diary

I Know Who I Am
A Caribbean Woman's Identity in Canada

Haunted Texts
Studies in Pre-Raphaelitism

An Unsettled Spirit
The Life and Frontier Fiction of Edith Lyttleton (G.B. Lancaster) 1873-1945

An Unsettled Spirit
The Life and Frontier Fiction of Edith Lyttleton (G.B. Lancaster) 1873-1945

Notes from Exile

Italo Calvino and the Compass of Literature

McLuhan in Space
A Cultural Geography

Sexuality and Citizenship
Metamorphosis in Elizabethan Erotic Verse

Of Irony, Especially in Drama

Windows and Words
A Look at Canadian Children's Literature in English

A History of Canadian Literature
A History of Canadian Literature

Banana Bending
Asian-Australian and Asian-Canadian Literatures

Northrop Frye's Notebooks and Lectures on the Bible and Other Religious Texts

Ethel Wilson
A Critical Biography

Settler Feminism and Race Making in Canada

Of Philosophers and Kings
Political Philosophy in Shakespeare's Macbeth and King Lear

The Politics of Cultural Mediation
Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and Felix Paul Greve

Is Canada Postcolonial?
Unsettling Canadian Literature