Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Romanticism and the Materiality of Nature

Rapt in Plaid
Canadian Literature and Scottish Tradition

Romances of the Archive in Contemporary British Fiction

Making Babies
Infants in Canadian Fiction

Modern Drama
Defining the Field

Borders of a Lip
Romanticism, Language, History, Politics

The Yard of Wit
Male Creativity and Sexuality, 165-175

Searching Shakespeare
Studies in Culture and Authority

Rediscovering Wen Tingyun
A Historical Key to a Poetic Labyrinth

The Holy Fool
Christian Faith and Theology in J.M.R. Lenz
Rapt in Plaid
Canadian Literature and Scottish Tradition

Writers Talking

Director's Cut

Prize Writing
The 10th Anniversary Collection

Eternal Conversations:
Remembering Louis Dudek

The Dead One Touched Me from the Past
A Walk with Writers through the Centuries

Romanticism and Colonial Disease
Justin and Pompeius Trogus
A Study of the Language of Justin's "Epitome" of Trogus

Local Matters
A Defence of Dooney's Cafe and Other Non-Globalized Places, People and Ideas
The Reinvention of Ignazio Silone
What's a Black Critic To Do?
Interviews, Profiles and Reviews Of Black Writers

The Road to Airstrip One

The Road to Airstrip One, Second Edition

Writing Grief
Margaret Laurence and the Work of Mourning