Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Spontaneous Overflows and Revivifying Rays
Romanticism and the Discourse of Improvisation

Truth or Death
The Quest for Immortality in the Western Narrative Tradition

King Lear

Canadian Theatre History
Selected Readings

The New Avant-Garde in Italy
Theoretical Debate and Poetic Practices

Marian Engel
Life in Letters

Criminals, Idiots, Women, & Minors - Second Edition
Victorian Writing By Women On Women

Christopher Smart

Masculinities without Men?
Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions

Literary Cultures of Latin America: A Comparative History 3-Volume Set

Speaking for Nature
Women and Ecologies of Early Modern England

Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature

At the Speed of Light There is Only Illumination
A Reappraisal of Marshall McLuhan

A.S. Byatt and the Heliotropic Imagination

Selections from The Girl’s Own Paper, 1880-1907

Imagining London
Postcolonial Fiction and the Transnational Metropolis

Self-representation and Illusion in Senecan Tragedy
Writing Addiction
Towards a Poetics of Desire & Its Others

The Works of Mary Leapor

Shakespeare in the Undiscovered Bourn
Les Kurbas, Ukrainian Modernism, and Early Soviet Cultural Politics

Seeing Through the Veil
Optical Theory and Medieval Allegory

Genetic Criticism
Texts and Avant-textes

Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office
A Guide to their Organization and Terminology

Toni Morrison and Motherhood
A Politics of the Heart