Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Latin Learning and English Lore (Volumes I & II)
Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge
The Canadian Modernists Meet
An Audience of One
Dorothy Osborne's Letters to Sir William Temple, 1652-1654
White Salt Mountain
Words in Time
First Writes
Auto/biography in Canada
Critical Directions
Travelling Knowledges
Positioning the Im/Migrant Reader of Aboriginal Literatures in Canada
The World in Venice
Print, the City, and Early Modern Identity
Gospels and Grit
Work and Labour in Carlyle, Conrad, and Orwell
History, Literature and the Writing of the Canadian Prairies
Aboriginal Drama and Theatre
Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre in English Vol. 1
Maps of Difference
Canada, Women, and Travel
David Adams Richards
Essays on his Work
Jane Urquhart
Linda Rogers
Gothic Canada
Reading the Spectre of a National Literature
African-Canadian Theatre
Judith Thompson
White Salt Mountain
Words in Time
ReCalling Early Canada
Reading the Political in Literary and Cultural Production
Dante & the Unorthodox
The Aesthetics of Transgression
Writing Lovers
Reading Canadian Love Poetry by Women
Ian Fleming and James Bond
The Cultural Politics of 007