Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound
The Half-Lives of Pat Lowther
The History of King Richard the Third
A Reading Edition
A World of Stories
Traditional Tales for Children
Fredric Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture
Culture, Identity, Commodity
Diasporic Chinese Literatures in English
History of the Book in Canada
Volume 2: 1840-1918
The Half-Lives of Pat Lowther
Must Write
Edna Staebler’s Diaries
Deactivated West 100
The Literary Origins of British Columbia, Volume 2
The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume V: 1935-1942
Margaret Laurence
The Making of a Writer
Before the First Word
The Poetry of Lorna Crozier
A Reading Diary
Vasil Bykau
His Life and Works
Vasil Byka?
His Life and Works
Sanity, Madness, Transformation
The Psyche in Romanticism
Edgar Allan Poe
Rhetoric and Style
Constructing Colonial Discourse
Cook at Nootka Sound, 1778
Alien Heart
The Life and Work of Margaret Laurence
Rewriting Apocalypse in Canadian Fiction
The Pleasure of Fools
Essays in the Ethics of Laughter
Pleasure of Fools
Essays in the Ethics of Laughter