Browse Books in Linguistics
Saussure For Beginners
What Is Good Writing?
A Tale of Monstrous Extravagance
Imagining Multilingualism
Tellings from Our Elders
Lushootseed syeyehub, Volume 2: Tales from the Skagit Valley
Tellings From Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
The Complete Two-Volume Set
Speak English or What?
Codeswitching and Interpreter Use in New York City Courts
Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork
The Architecture of Determiners
Relabeling in Language Genesis
Measuring Grammatical Complexity
Barrio Democracy in Latin America
Participatory Decentralization and Community Activism in Montevideo
Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
Volume 1: Snohomish Texts
Syntax and its Limits
Making Sense out of Meaning
An Essay in Lexical Semantics
Nature and Origin of Language
The Nature and Origin of Language
A Tsilhqút’ín Grammar
Aspects of Split Ergativity
Language, Music, and the Brain
A Mysterious Relationship
How Happy Became Homosexual
And Other Mysterious Semantic Shifts
Six Words You Never Knew Had Something to Do with Pigs (Kobo)
and Other Fascinating Facts about the Language from Canada's Word Lady
The Breathless Zoo
Taxidermy and the Cultures of Longing
Francophonies d’Amérique 33
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