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Browse Books in Linguistics

The Language of the Book of Songs

by (author) W.A.C.H. Dobson

Notes on the Development of the Principal Sounds of Indo-European through Proto-Germanic and West Germanic in Old English

by (author) M.H. Scargill

Late Han Chinese

A Study of the Archaic-Han Shift

by (author) W.A.C.H. Dobson


A Life of Language Love

by (author) Julie Sedivy

Amdo Lullaby

An Ethnography of Childhood and Language Shift on the Tibetan Plateau

by (author) Shannon Ward

At a Loss for Words

Conversation in an Age of Rage

by (author) Carol Off

Phonology in Multilingual Grammars

Representational Complexity and Linguistic Interfaces

by (author) John Archibald

Insécurité linguistique dans la francophonie

by (author) Annette Boudreau

My Life in Propaganda

Language and Totalitarian Regimes

by (author) Magda Stroinska

Kangiryuarmiut Inuinnaqtun

Uqauhiitaa Numiktitirutait Dictionary

by (author) Emily Kudlak & Richard Compton

Inuit Languages and Dialects

Inuit Uqausiqatigiit

by (author) Louis-Jacques Dorais

Regression Modeling for Linguistic Data

by (author) Morgan Sonderegger

Icelandic Heritage in North America

edited by Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, Höskuldur Thráinsson & Úlfar Bragason

Yiddish Lives On

Strategies of Language Transmission

by (author) Rebecca Margolis

Consequences of Language

From Primary to Enhanced Intersubjectivity

by (author) N.J. Enfield & Jack Sidnell

Face-to-Face Dialogue

Theory, Research, and Applications

by (author) Janet Beavin Bavelas

The Oxford History of Phonology

edited by B. Elan Dresher & Harry van der Hulst

Negotiating Linguistic Plurality

Translation and Multilingualism in Canada and Beyond

edited by María Constanza Guzmán & Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar

Modular Design of Grammar

edited by I. Wayan Arka, Ash Asudeh & Tracy Holloway King

The Linguistics Wars

Chomsky, Lakoff, and the Battle over Deep Structure

by (author) Randy Allen Harris

Polynesian Syntax and its Interfaces

edited by Lauren Clemens & Diane Massam

Language in Development

A Crosslinguistic Perspective

edited by Gita Martohardjono & Suzanne Flynn

A Tsilhqút’ín Grammar

by (author) Eung-Do Cook

Diachrony of Differential Object Marking in Romanian

by (author) Virginia Hill & Alexandru Mardale

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