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Browse Books in Linguistics

Identity of the Literary Text

by (author) Mario Valdes & Owen Miller

Identity of the Literary Text

by (author) Mario Valdes & Owen Miller

A Sarcee Grammar

by (author) Eung-Do Cook

The Phonological Interpretation of Ancient Greek

A Pandialectal Analysis

by (author) Vit Bubenik

The Phonological Interpretation of Ancient Greek

A Pandialectal Analysis

by (author) Vit Bubenik

The Cree Language is Our Identity

the La Ronge lectures of Sarah Whitecalf

by (author) Sarah Whitecalf
edited by H.C. Wolfart & Freda Ahenakew

Creation and Recreation

by (author) Northrop Frye

La Littérature Occitane du Moyen Age

Bibliographie Sélective et Critique

by (author) Robert A. Taylor

Sémantique synchronique

synonymie, homonymie, polysémie

by (author) Henry Schogt

Sémantique synchronique

synonymie, homonymie, polysémie

by (author) Henry Schogt

Althochdeutsche Glossen

Nachtrage / Old High German glosses

by (author) Hartwig Mayer

Weighting Evidence in Language and Literature

A Statistical Approach

by (author) Barron Brainerd

A Dictionary of the Chinese Particles

with a prolegomenon in which the problems of the particles are considered and they are classified by their grammatical functions

by (author) W.A.C.H. Dobson

A Dictionary of the Chinese Particles

with a prolegomenon in which the problems of the particles are considered and they are classified by their grammatical functions

by (author) W.A.C.H. Dobson

Weighting Evidence in Language and Literature

A Statistical Approach

by (author) Barron Brainerd

Althochdeutsche Glossen

Nachtrage / Old High German glosses

by (author) Hartwig Mayer

Study Guide for Sifron La-Student ('Alef, Bet) (2nd Edition)

by (author) Frank Talmage, Chaim Rabin & Libby Garshowitz

Study Guide for Sifron La-Student ('Alef, Bet) (2nd Edition)

by (author) Frank Talmage, Chaim Rabin & Libby Garshowitz

It's Greek to the Computer

by (author) Andrew Q. Morton & Alban Dewes Winspear

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