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Browse Books in Great Britain

Britannia's Navy on the West Coast of North America, 1812-1914

by (author) Barry Gough

The League of the Star

by (author) N.R. Cruse

Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire

Colonial Relations, Humanitarian Discourses, and the Imperial Press

by (author) Kenton Storey

The Moral Mapping of Victorian and Edwardian London

Charles Booth, Christian Charity, and the Poor-but-Respectable

by (author) Thomas R.C. Gibson-Brydon

The Trial of Charles I: A History in Documents

(From the Broadview Sources Series)

edited by K.J. Kesselring

Moral Mapping of Victorian and Edwardian London

Charles Booth, Christian Charity, and the Poor-but-Respectable

by (author) Thomas R.C. Gibson-Brydon

Moral Mapping of Victorian and Edwardian London

Charles Booth, Christian Charity, and the Poor-but-Respectable

by (author) Thomas Gibson-Brydon

Beastly Possessions

Animals in Victorian Consumer Culture

by (author) Sarah Amato

Driv'n by Fortune

The Scots' March to Modernity in America, 1745–1812

by (author) Sam Allison

The Creation of the British Atlantic World

edited by Elizabeth Mancke & Carole Shammas

American Loyalists to New Brunswick

The ship passenger lists

by (author) David Bell

Constance Maynard's Passions

Religion, Sexuality, and an English Educational Pioneer, 1849-1935

by (author) Pauline A. Phipps

The Edwardses of Halifax

The Making and Selling of Beautiful Books in London and Halifax, 1749-1826

by (author) G.E. Bentley

Highland Shepherd

James MacGregor, Father of the Scottish Enlightenment in Nova Scotia

by (author) Alan Wilson

La Magna Carta, son importance pour le Canada

La démocratie, le droit et les droits de la personne

by (author) Carolyn Harris

Empire and Ireland

The Transatlantic Career of the Canadian Imperialist Hamar Greenwood, 1870-1948

by (author) Roy MacLaren

Magna Carta and Its Gifts to Canada

Democracy, Law, and Human Rights

by (author) Carolyn Harris

Empire and Ireland

The Transatlantic Career of the Canadian Imperialist Hamar Greenwood, 1870–1948

by (author) Roy MacLaren

Toronto, the Belfast of Canada

The Orange Order and the Shaping of Municipal Culture

by (author) William J. Smyth

Invisible Immigrants

The English in Canada since 1945

by (author) Marilyn Barber & Murray Watson

Liberal Hearts and Coronets

The Lives and Times of Ishbel Marjoribanks Gordon and John Campbell Gordon, the Aberdeens

by (author) Veronica Strong-Boag

Tennyson's Language

by (author) Donald S. Hair

The praier and complaynte of the ploweman unto Christe

edited by Douglas H. Parker

Scotland's Pariah

The Life and Work of John Pinkerton, 1758-1826

by (author) Patrick O'Flaherty

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