Browse Books in Canada

The Education of Augie Merasty
A Residential School Memoir

A Great Rural Sisterhood
Madge Robertson Watt and the ACWW

A View from Quebec

Tending the Student Body
Youth, Health, and the Modern University

A Special Hell
Institutional Life in Alberta's Eugenic Years

Ce que la rivière nous procurait
Archéologie et histoire du réservoir de l’Eastmain-1
W.L. Mackenzie King
A Bibliography and Research Guide
Canadians at Last
The Integration of Newfoundland as a Province

Stewards of the People's Forests
A Short History of the British Columbia Forest Service
The Legacies of Fear
Law and Politics in Quebec in the Era of the French Revolution
The Order of Canada
Its Origins, History, and Developments

Petticoats and Prejudice - Women's Press Classics
Women and Law in Nineteenth-Century Canada
Notes To the Univ of Toronto:A History

Seeking Our Eden
The Dreams and Migrations of Sarah Jameson Craig

The Oak Island Mystery, Solved!

Paths to the Bench
The Judicial Appointment Process in Manitoba, 1870-1950

Private Women and the Public Good
Charity and State Formation in Hamilton, Ontario, 1846-93

Canada and Aboriginal Canada Today - Le Canada et le Canada autochtone aujourd’hui
Changing the Course of History - Changer le cours de l’histoire

Paul Martin : Canada and Aboriginal Canada Today - Le Canada et le Canada autochtone aujourd’hui
Changing the Course of History - Changer le cours de l’histoire

Historic Waterway, Wilderness Playground

The World is Our Parish
John King Gordon, 1900-1989: An Intellectual Biography

Localism, Landscape, and the Ambiguities of Place
German-Speaking Central Europe, 1860-1930

Equality Deferred
Sex Discrimination and British Columbia’s Human Rights State, 1953-84

Wish You Were Here
Hand-tinted Postcards from Winnipeg's Halcyon Days