Browse Books in Canada

Family Ties
Living History in Canadian House Museums

Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 2
General Quarterly Court of Assiniboia, Annotated Records, 1844-1872

Far Off Metal River
Inuit Lands, Settler Stories, and the Making of the Contemporary Arctic

The Canadian Oral History Reader

Death in the Peaceable Kingdom
Canadian History since 1867 through Murder, Execution, Assassination, and Suicide

More than Just Games
Canada and the 1936 Olympics

Up Ghost River
A Chief's Journey Through the Turbulent Waters of Native History


The Toronto Carrying Place
Rediscovering Toronto's Most Ancient Trail

London Eh to Zed
101 Discoveries for Canadian Visitors to London

New Perspectives on the Gold Rush

Canadian Intellectuals, the Tory Tradition, and the Challenge of Modernity, 1939-1970

Empire and Ireland
The Transatlantic Career of the Canadian Imperialist Hamar Greenwood, 1870-1948

Nourrir la machine humaine
Nutrition et alimentation au Québec, 1860-1945

December 1917 (new edition)
Re-visiting the Halifax Explosion

The Professionalization of History in English Canada

Emily Carr's B.C.
Vancouver Island

On the Air
The Golden Age of Manitoba Radio

Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy
A True Account of Life on the Last Great Cattle Frontier

Niniskamijinaqik / Ancestral Images
The Mi'kmaq in Art and Photography

Lawrence Grassi
From Piedmont to the Rocky Mountains

History of Nova Scotia in 50 Objects
History of Nova Scotia Through Museum Artifacts

The Deadly Sea
Life and Death on the Atlantic

The Royal Fjord
Memories of Jervis Inlet