Browse Books in History

Voices of the Left Behind
Project Roots and the Canadian War Children of World War II

The Incendiary
The Misadventures Of John The Painter, First Modern Terrorist

A True Story of Death and Honour

Inside Gomery

Totem Poles and Tea

"Just Mary"
The Life of Mary Evelyn Grannan

Manchuria Under Japanese Dominion

Majesty in Canada
Essays on the Role of Royalty

Legends In Their Time
Young Heroes and Victims of Canada

The Victorian Gardener
The Growth of Gardening & the Floral World

Dialogue On Democracy
The Lafontaine Baldwin Lectures 2000 To 2005

The Canadian Niagara Power Company Story

The Book Of Love Letters
Canadian Kinship, Friendship, And Romance
Unsettling Partition
Literature, Gender, Memory

Marginal Man
The Dark Vision of Harold Innis

Nation and History
Polish Historians from the Enlightenment to the Second World War

A Science on the Scales
The Rise of Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Biology, 1898-1939

The Admirals
Canada's Senior Naval Leadership in the Twentieth Century

Creating the Twentieth Century
Technical Innovations of 1867-1914 and Their Lasting Impact

Religion, Family, and Community in Victorian Canada
The Colbys of Carrollcroft

Circle Game, The
Shadows and Substance in the Indian Residential School Experience in Canada Revised Edition

Rediscovering the British World

The Beginnings of History
Herodotus and the Persian Wars