Browse Books in History

Charlie Baker George

Catholic Origins of Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970

Modelling the Early Panzerkampfwagen IV

Rene Levesque
The Fascinating Life of a Separatist Icon

Built for War
Canada's Intercolonial Railway

Eikon Basilike
with selections from Eikonoklastes

The Haligonians
100 Fascinating Lives from the Halifax Region

100 Fascinating Londoners
Cape Breton Book of Days

Canadians In The Civil War

Historic North Sydney

The History of King Richard the Third
A Reading Edition
On the Side of the People
A History of Labour in Saskatchewan

Chief Smallboy
The Pursuit of Freedom

Forging Alberta's Constitutional Framework

Across the Top of the World
The Quest for the Northwest Passage

Inco Comes to Labrador

Winnipeg 1912

Winnipeg 1912
Diary of a City

Conflict and Cooperation
Documents on Modern Global History

Where Christmas is Christmas

Steamboats on the Lakes
Un guide en couleurs d'histoire vivante

The BC Almanac Book of Greatest British Columbians

An illustrated history of the Chinese Communities of Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax