Browse Books in History

Macedonian Warrior
Alexander's elite infantryman

Adages IV iii 1 to V ii 51
Collected Works of Erasmus

Against the Draft
Essays on Conscientious Objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War

Lost Bonanzas of Western Canada
Volume 1

No Insignificant Part
The Rhodesia Native Regiment and the East Africa Campaign of the First World War

Ghost Towns & Mining Camps of Vancouver Island

Canada's World War II Aces
Heroic Pilots & Gunners of the Wartime Skies

Alberta Formed - Alberta Transformed

Social Policy and Practice in Canada
A History

Lighthouse Legacies

Not Paved With Gold
Italian-Canadian Immigrants in the 1970s

Historic Black Nova Scotia

Pearson's Prize
Shadow People
Inside History's Most Notorious Secret Societies

Renegade Women of Canada
The Wild, Outrageous, Daring and Bold

A Gentleman of Substance
The Life and Legacy of John Redpath (1796-1869)

A Bed of Red Flowers
In Search of My Afghanistan

Kingdom of the Mind
How the Scots Helped Make Canada

A Kingdom of the Mind
How the Scots Helped Make Canada

Finlay's River

Dead Mans Clothes
The Bum Camp of Tolt Washington

Yukon Tears and Laughter
Memories Are Forever

Made to Measure
A History of Land Surveying in British Columbia