Browse Books in History

A.M. Klein: The Letters
Collected Works of A.M. Klein

Canada's Forgotten War

The Little Green Valley
The Kleindale Story

Japanese War Art and Uniforms 1853-1930

Surveyors of Empire
Samuel Holland, J.F.W. Des Barres, and the Making of The Atlantic Neptune

Brokering Empire
Trans-Imperial Subjects between Venice and Istanbul
Mysterious British Columbia
Myths, Murders, Mysteries and Legends
The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati

Florence Nightingale on Wars and the War Office
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 15

Our Union
UAW/CAW Local 27 from 1950 to 1990

The Lost Millennium
History's Timetables under Siege
The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 2: Enlightenment and Expansion 1707-1800

Contemporary Quebec
Selected Readings and Commentaries

Embracing Democracy in the Western Balkans
From Postconflict Struggles toward European Integration

Canada on the Doorstep

Honouring Our Past, Embracing Our Future
Celebrating a Century of Excellence in Education at the University of Regina Campus

Secularism Soviet Style
Teaching Atheism and Religion in a Volga Republic

The Spanish Army in North America 1700-1793

From Far and Wide
A History of Canada's Arctic Sovereignty

Irresponsible Freaks
A Bob Edwards Chrestomathy

Human Ecology of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone 11,000 to 300 BP

The Final Word
The Book of Canadian Epitaphs

On the Edge of Being
An Afghan Woman's Journey

The Canadian Battlefields in Northern France
Dieppe and the Channel Ports