Browse Books in History

The Middle Power Project
Canada and the Founding of the United Nations

The Tuamotu Islands and Tahiti
Volume 4 of Russia and the South Pacific, 1696-1840

Frigates and Foremasts
The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters 1745-1815

The Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism
Galicia as Ukraine's Piedmont

A War of Patrols
Canadian Army Operations in Korea

Canada and the Changing Arctic
Sovereignty, Security, and Stewardship

The United Church of Canada
A History

Pierre Berton's War of 1812

The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver

The Good Hope Cannery
Life and Death at a Salmon Cannery

The Business of Empire
United Fruit, Race, and U.S. Expansion in Central America

People of the Sea

Bill Reid and the Haida Canoe

The Avro Arrow: A Picture History

The Kelowna Story
An Okanagan History

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume III
Nova Scotia

Dewigged, Bothered, and Bewildered
British Colonial Judges on Trial, 1800-1900

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume II
Volume II

Elusive Destiny
The Political Vocation of John Napier Turner

Who Killed Janet Smith?

Francophonies d'Amérique 30

Writing the Revolution

The Damned

Hearts and Minds
Canadian Romance at the Dawn of the Modern Era, 1900-1930