Browse Books in History

Norman Bethune
The Incredible Life and Tragic Death of a Revered Canadian Doctor

Niagara Daredevils
Thrills and Spills over Niagara Falls

Diplomat and Warrior in the War of 1812

Niagara Daredevils (Tightrope)
Thrills and Spills over Niagara Falls

Billy Bishop: Top Canadian Flying Ace

Christmas in Ontario
Heartwarming Legends, Tales and Traditions

The Remarkable True Story Of Esther Wheelwright - Puritan

Give Me Shelter
The Failure of Canada’s Cold War Civil Defence

How Schools Worked
Public Education in English Canada, 1900-1940

Forts of the War of 1812

Indigenous Peoples of North America
A Concise Anthropological Overview

Kilts on the Coast
The Scots Who Built BC

Into Africa
The Imperial Life of Margery Perham

Identity, Interest, and Strategy

Titanic Victims in Halifax Graveyards revised edition

Race to the New World, The
Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and a Lost History of Discovery

The Race to the New World
Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and a Lost History of Discovery

The Loyal Atlantic
Remaking the British Atlantic in the Revolutionary Era

Long Beach Wild
A Celebration of People and Place on Canada's Rugged Western Shore

Temagami's Tangled Wild
Race, Gender, and the Making of Canadian Nature

90 Treasures, 90 Stories, 90 Years
McCord Museum
Maritime Firsts (2nd edition)
Historic Events, Inventions & Achievements

Halifax and Titanic

A Book Of Hours