Browse Books in History

Neighbours and Networks
The Blood Tribe in the Southern Alberta Economy, 1884-1939

From Many, One
Peasants, Borders, and Education in Callista, Mexico, 1924-1935

The Little Yellow House

Redcoated Ploughboys
The Volunteer Battalion of Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada, 1813–1815

Redcoated Ploughboys
The Volunteer Battalion of Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada, 1813-1815
Life Between the Gold Rush and the Alaska Highway

A Road for Canada
The Illustrated Story of the Trans-Canada Highway

Soldiers for Sale
German "Mercenaries" with the British in Canada during the American Revolution (1776-83)

Preserving What Is Valued
Museums, Conservation, and First Nations

Nooksack Place Names
Geography, Culture, and Language

Opening Act, The
Canadian Theatre History 1945–1956

Private Journal of Captain G.H. Richards, The
The Vancouver Island Survey (1860–1861)

Texada Tapestry
A History

Psychedelic Psychiatry
LSD on the Canadian Prairies

Pursuing China
Memoir of a Beaver Liaison Officer

Travelling and Surviving on Our Land
Inuit Perspectives on the 20th Century: Volume 2

Keeping the Faith
Memory and History in Nunavut Volume Three

In Pursuit of Garlic
An Intimate Look at the Divinely Odorous Bulb

A School in Every Village
Educational Reform in a Northeast China County, 1904-31

Organized Patriotism and the Crucible of War
Popular Imperialism in Britain, 1914-1932

The Politics of Access
University Education and Nation Building in Nigeria, 1948-2000

Butter Down the Well
Reflections of a Canadian Childhood

Chinese Canadians
Voices from a Community

Marilyn Bell
The Heart-Stopping Tale of Marilyn's Record-Breaking Swim