Browse Books in History

Mary Seacole
The Making of the Myth

Port Alberni
More Than Just a Mill Town

The Voyage of the Komagata Maru
The Sikh Challenge to Canada's Colour Bar, Expanded and Fully Revised Edition

Forest Prairie Edge
Place History in Saskatchewan

A Crucible of Fire
The Battle of Lundy's Lane, July 25, 1814

Joshua Slocum
The Captain who Sailed Around the World

Qikiqtani Truth Commission: Community Histories 1950-1975
Community Histories 1950-1975

Qikiqtani Truth Commission
Thematic Reports and Special Studies 1950-1975

Black Loyalists

Welcome to Resisterville
American Dissidents in British Columbia

Fields of Fire
The Canadians in Normandy: Second Edition

Sandino's Nation
Ernesto Cardenal and Sergio Ramírez Writing Nicaragua, 1940-2012

Magda and André Trocmé
Resistance Figures

- Scapegoat
the extraordinary legal proceedings following the 1917 Halifax Explosion

Mike Filey's Toronto Sketches, Books 4-6

Mike Filey's Toronto Sketches, Books 7-9

Mike Filey's Toronto Sketches, Books 1-3

The History of Canada Series: Trouble on Main Street
Mackenzie King Reason Race And The 1907 Vancouver Riots

The Voyage of the Komagata Maru
The Sikh Challenge to Canada's Colour Bar, Expanded and Fully Revised Edition

Spitfire V vs C.202 Folgore
Malta 1942

Titanic Halifax (2nd edition)
A Guide to Sites

Calgary's Stampede Queens

Fighting to Lose
How the German Secret Intelligence Service Helped the Allies Win the Second World War

The Medieval Salento
Art and Identity in Southern Italy