Browse Books in History

Out from the Harbour
Outport Life Before Resettlement

Remembering Mass Violence
Oral History, New Media and Performance

Ontario Boys
Masculinity and the Idea of Boyhood in Postwar Ontario, 1945--1960

Ontario Boys
Masculinity and the Idea of Boyhood in Postwar Ontario, 1945--1960

Glorify the Empire
Japanese Avant-Garde Propaganda in Manchukuo

Native Memoirs from the War of 1812
Black Hawk and William Apess

The Rural Midwest Since World War II

Historical GIS Research in Canada

Historical GIS Research in Canada

The First English Detectives
The Bow Street Runners and the Policing of London, 1750-1840

Don't Tell the Newfoundlanders
The True Story of Newfoundland's Confederation with Canada

Better Britons
Reproduction, National Identity, and the Afterlife of Empire

Philanthropy and the Construction of Victorian Women's Citizenship
Lady Frederick Cavendish and Miss Emma Cons

The Romance of Politics

Poisoned by Lies and Hypocrisy
America's First Attempt to Bring Liberty to Canada,1775-1776

Lyle Creelman
The Frontiers of Global Nursing

Remembering Mass Violence
Oral History, New Media and Performance

Modern Canada
1945 to Present

Path of Thorns
Soviet Mennonite Life under Communist and Nazi Rule

St. Patrick's Hall Schools: 1826 - 1999

Opening a Window to the West
The Foreign Concession at Kobe, Japan, 1868-1899

England's Medieval Navy, 1066-1509
Ships, Men, and Warfare

The Mystery of the Oak Island Treasure
Two Hundred Years of Hope and Despair

Entangled Roots
The Mystery of Peterborough's Headless Corpse