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Browse Books in History

Notorious Ontario

Outlaws, Criminals & Gangsters

by (author) Maria Da Silva & Andrew Hind

Vikings on a Prairie Ocean

The Saga of a Lake, a People, a Family and a Man

by (author) Glenn Sigurdson

Raincoast Jews

Integration in British Columbia

by (author) Lillooet Nördlinger McDonnell

Halifax in Watercolour

The Paintings of Alexander Cavalié Mercer, 1838-1842

by (author) Glenn Devanney

African Canadians in Union Blue

Volunteering for the Cause in the Civil War

by (author) Richard M. Reid


Race, Recognition, and the Struggle for Indigenous Peoplehood

by (author) Chris Andersen

Modernization as Spectacle in Africa

edited by Peter J. Bloom, Stephan F. Miescher & Takyiwaa Manuh
contributions by Percy Hintzen, Andrew Apter, Rosaleen Smyth, Aaron Windel, Mhoze Chikowero, Julia Tischler, Gabrielle Hecht, Jean Allman, Nathan Plageman, Christina McMahon, Nana Wilson-Tagoe & Aida Mbowa

The Dundurn Arctic Culture and Sovereignty Library

Pike's Portage/Death Wins in the Arctic/Arctic Naturalist/Arctic Obsession/Arctic Twilight/Arctic Front/Canoeing North Into the Unknown/Arctic Revolution/In the Shadow of the Pole/Voices From the Odeyak

by (author) Michael Posluns, Bruce W. Hodgins, S.L. Osborne, Kerry Karram, Ken S. Coates, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, William R. Morrion, Greg Poelzer, Anthony Dalton, Alexis S. Troubetzkoy, John David Hamilton & Claudia Coutu Radmore
edited by Morten Asfeldt & Bob Henderson
foreword by Pete Seeger

Equality Deferred

Sex Discrimination and British Columbia’s Human Rights State, 1953-84

by (author) Dominique Cl—ment

The Force of Family

Repatriation, Kinship, and Memory on Haida Gwaii

by (author) Cara Krmpotich

Olive Odyssey

Searching for the Secrets of the Fruit That Seduced the World

by (author) Julie Angus

Blood and Daring

How Canada Fought the American Civil War and Forged a Nation

by (author) John Boyko

Oral History at the Crossroads

Sharing Life Stories of Survival and Displacement

by (author) Steven High

Names on a Cenotaph

Kootenay Lake Men in World War I

by (author) Sylvia Crooks

Religious Women in Early Carolingian Francia

A Study of Manuscript Transmission and Monastic Culture

by (author) Felice Lifshitz

The Black Doctors of Colonial Lima

Science, Race, and Writing in Colonial and Early Republican Peru

by (author) José R. Jouve Martín

Vancouver Is Ashes

The Great Fire of 1886

by (author) Lisa Smith

Cowboy Way, The

Wisdom, Wit and Lore

by (author) Duane Radford

The Duke of Abruzzi

An Explorer's Life

by (author) Mirella Tenderini & Michael Shandrick

Le Quai 21

La porte d'entrée qui a changé le Canada

by (author) Trudy Mitic & J.P. Leblanc
translated by Denise Nevo

Vancouver Is Ashes

The Great Fire of 1886

by (author) Lisa Anne Smith

Charity and Sylvia

A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America

by (author) Rachel Hope Cleves

Winds of Change

Life and Legacy of Calvin W. Ruck

by (author) Lindsay Ruck

A Nation Beyond Borders

Lionel Groulx on French-Canadian Minorities

by (author) Michel Bock
translated by Ferdinanda Van Gennip

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