Browse Books in History

Rebels, Reds, Radicals
Rethinking Canada’s Left History

On Their Own Terms
True Stories of Trailblazing Women of Vancouver Island

The Cry of Vertières
Liberation Memory and the Beginning of Haiti

The Cry of Vertières
Liberation, Memory, and the Beginning of Haiti

The Final Voyage of the Valencia

The Golden Boy of Crime
The Almost Certainly True Story of Norman "Red" Ryan

The Manitoulin Incident

Peculiar Lessons
How Nature and the Material World Shaped a Prairie Childhood

In the Hour of Fate and Danger

Toronto's Lost Villages

WWII Codebreakers and Spies
How British Intelligence & Special Operations Changed the Course of History

From Seminary to University
An Institutional History of the Study of Religion in Canada

Picturing the Page
Illustrated Children's Literature and Reading under Lenin and Stalin

The New Traditional
Heritage, Craftsmanship and Local Identity

Orwell in Cuba
How 1984 Came to Be Published in Castro’s Twilight

A Prison Camp Society

Beyond the Trees
A Journey Alone Across Canada's Arctic

Miss World 1970
How I Entered A Pageant And Wound Up Making History

The Two-State Dilemma
A Game Theory Perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Hawk and the Hare
Based on a True Story

Wrestling with Zionism
Jewish Voices of Dissent

Native American Stories from Puget Sound

Sweet and Clean?
Bodies and Clothes in Early Modern England

The Life of BC's Legendary Packer