Browse Books in Canada

Kids Book of Great Canadians, The

The Mounties
The Mounties

Mirror with a Memory
A Nation's Story in Photographs

Photographing Greatness
The Story of Karsh
Spotlight on Canada

The Dreadful Truth: The Northwest Passage

Kids Book of Canada at War, The

F is for Fiddlehead
A New Brunswick Alphabet

Kids Book of Canada, The
Travels with Stanley

Forever Champions
The Enduring Legacy of the Record-setting Edmonton Grads

Factory Girl

The War of 1812 Against the States (JR)
Heroes of a Great Canadian Victory

Women Explorers (JR)
100 Years of Mountain Adventure

The Incredible Adventures of Louis Riel (JR)
Canada's Most Famous Revelutionary

Toronto Maple Leafs (JR)
Stories of Canada's Legendary Team

The Halifax Explosion (JR)
Surviving the Blast That Shook A Nation

Early Voyageurs (JR)
The Incredible Adventures of the Fearless Fur Traders
Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac: French settlements at Detroit and Louisiana

The Dreadful Truth: Canadian Crime

Sailing for Glory
The Story of Captain Angus Walters and the Bluenose

Mapping the Wilderness
The Story of David Thompson


Loonies and Toonies
A Canadian Number Book