Browse Books in Adventurers & Explorers
The New Northwest Passage
A Voyage to the Front Line of Climate Change
Polar Wives
The Remarkable Women behind the World's Most Daring Explorers
Private Journal of Captain G.H. Richards, The
The Vancouver Island Survey (1860–1861)
Race to the New World, The
Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and a Lost History of Discovery
The Race to the New World
Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and a Lost History of Discovery
Mattie Mitchell
Newfoundland's Greatest Frontiersman
The Pathfinder
A.C. Anderson’s Journeys in the West
The Vancouver Island Letters of Edmund Hope Verney
Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition
Eastern Passage
The Long Trail
My Life in the West
An Ocean of Inspiration
The John Olguin Story
Wrong Highway
The Misadventures of a Misplaced Society Girl
Hudson's Bay Boy
From Cabbagetown to Rupert's Land
Into the Silence
The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest
The Hudson's Bay Boy
From Cabbagetown to Rupert's Land
Simon Girty
Wilderness Warrior
Bemocked of Destiny
Centenary Edition
Once upon a Sandbox
Winter in Fireland
A Patagonian Sailing Adventure
The Cowboy Cavalry
The Story of the Rocky Mountain Rangers
Curve of Time
George Simpson
Blaze of Glory
Captain James Cook in Atlantic Canada
The adventurer and map maker's formative years