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University of Calgary Press

Books from this publisher


by (author) Alison Clarke

Disappearing in Reverse

by (author) Allie McFarland

Long Division

by (author) Gil McElroy

Secession and Separatist Conflicts in Postcolonial Africa

by (author) Charles G. Thomas & Toyin Falola

The Manhattan Project

by (author) Ken Hunt

Canada's Legal Pasts

Looking Foreward, Looking Back

edited by Lyndsay Campbell, Ted McCoy & Melanie Methot
contributions by Nick Austin, Eric H. Reiter, Christopher Shorey, Angela Fernandez, Catharine MacMillan, Alexandra Havrylyshyn, Jean-Phillipe Garneau, Shelley A.M. Gavigan, Dominique Clement & Louis A. Knafla

Treasuring the Tradition

The Story of the Military Museums

by (author) Jeff Keshen & David Bercuson

Bedside and Community

50 Years of Contributions to the Health of Albertans from the University of Calgary

edited by Diana J. Mansell, Frank W. Stahnisch & Paula Larsson

The First Century of the International Joint Commission

edited by Murray Clamen & Daniel Macfarlane

Air Salt

A Trauma Mémoire as a Result of the Fall

by (author) Ian Kinney

Legislating Love

The Everett Klippert Story

by (author) Natalie Meisner
contributions by Kevin Allen, Tereasa Maillie & Jason Mehmel

The Red Chesterfield

by (author) Wayne Arthurson

Dendrite Balconies

by (author) Sean Braune

Mobilizing Global Knowledge

Refugee Research in an Age of Displacement

edited by Susan McGrath & Julie E.E. Young
contributions by Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Paula Banerjee, Pablo Bose, Nergis Canefe, Christina Clark-Kazak, Don Dippo, Wenona Giles, Susan Kneebone, Ellen Percy Kraly, Loren B. Landau, Elizabeth Lunstrum, Susan F. Martin, Michele Millard, Petra Molnar, William J. Payne, Ranabir Samaddar, Beatriz Eugenia Sanchez-Mojica, James C. Simeon, Lisa Singh & Brittany Lauren Wheeler

A Samaritan State Revisited

Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid

edited by Greg Donaghy & David Webster

La Confédération, 1864-1999

nouvelles perspectives

edited by Daniel Heidt
edited and translated by Colin M. Coates
translated by Kim Poti, Daniel Poitras & Philippe Thompson
contributions by Marcel Martel, Maxime Gohier, J.R. Miller, Colin Coates, Martin Pâquet, Phillip Buckner, Robert Wardhaugh, Barry Ferguson, Patricia Roy, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Ken S. Coates, Bill Waiser, Raymond B. Blake & Andre Legare

The Politics of Violence in Latin America

edited by Pablo Policzer
contributions by Michelle Bonner, Andreas E. Feldmann, Francisco Guterrez Sanin, J. Patrice McSherry, Anthony W. Pereira, Pablo Piccato & Jennifer Schirmer

La Confédération, 1864-1999

nouvelles perspectives

edited by Daniel Heidt
edited and translated by Colin M. Coates
translated by Kim Poti, Daniel Poitras & Philippe Thompson
contributions by Marcel Martel, Maxime Gohier, J.R. Miller, Colin Coates, Martin Pâquet, Phillip Buckner, Robert Wardhaugh, Barry Ferguson, Patricia Roy, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Ken S. Coates, Bill Waiser, Raymond B. Blake & Andre Legare

Protest and Democracy

edited by Moises Arce & Roberta Rice

Intertwined Histories

Plants in Their Social Contexts

edited by Jim Ellis

Imperial Standard

Imperial Oil, Exxon, and the Canadian Oil Industry from 1880

by (author) Graham D. Taylor

Scattering Chaff

Canadian Air Power and Censorship During the Kosovo War

by (author) Bob Bergen

Scattering Chaff

Canadian Air Power and Censorship During the Kosovo War

by (author) Bob Bergen

Pugg's Portmanteau

by (author) D.M. Bryan

Orange Chinook

Politics in the New Alberta

edited by Duane Bratt, Keith Brownsey, Richard Sutherland & David Taras


by (author) Paul Zits

Rocking P Ranch and the Second Cattle Frontier in Western Canada

by (author) Clay Chattaway
with Warren Elofson


by (author) Paul Zits

Environmental Activism on the Ground

Small Green and Indigenous Organizing

edited by Jonathan Clapperton & Liza Piper

Environment in the Courtroom

edited by Alan Ingleson
contributions by Paul Adams, Natasha Affolder, Andrea C. Akelaitis, Karina Barker, Peter Boxall, Giorilyn Bruno, James Bunting, Cindy Chiasson, John S.G. Clark, John D. Cliffe, Lynda Collins, Jack D. Coop, Charles-Emmanuel Cote, Peter Craig, Adam Driedzic, Erin Eacott, Jennifer Fairfax, James D. Flagal, Shaun Fluker, Hadley Friedland, Paule Halley, Charles Hatt, Brenda Heelan Powell, Nicholas R. Hughes, Alex Ikejiani, Asha James, Meredith James, Albert Koehl, David Laidlaw, Jonathan Leo, Gary A. Letcher, Alastair Lucas, Fred Maefs, Sharon Mascher, Marc McAree, Heather McCready, Paul McCulloch, Heather McLeod-Kilmurray, Susan McRory, Danielle Meuleman, Rebecca Moore, Rod Northey, Terri-Lee Oleniuk, Martin Olszynski, Katia Opalka, Jean Piette, Sarah Powell, Phillip Saunders, Monika A. Sawicka, Dianne Saxe, Cheryl Sharvit, Anand Srivastava, Barry Stuart, John Swaigen, Chris Tollefson, Ronda M. Vanderhoek, Nickie Nikolaou, Michael Wenig, Robert Woon & Josephine Yam

Reconsidering Confederation

Canada’s Founding Debates, 1864-1999

edited by Daniel Heidt
contributions by J.R. Miller, Marcel Martel, Colin Coates, Martin Pâquet, Maxime Gohier, Phillip Buckner, Robert Wardhaugh, Barry Ferguson, Patricia Roy, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Ken S. Coates, Bill Waiser, Raymond B. Blake & Andre Legare

Reconsidering Confederation

Canada’s Founding Debates, 1864-1999

edited by Daniel Heidt
contributions by J.R. Miller, Marcel Martel, Colin Coates, Martin Pâquet, Maxime Gohier, Phillip Buckner, Robert Wardhaugh, Barry Ferguson, Patricia Roy, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Ken S. Coates, Bill Waiser, Raymond B. Blake & Andre Legare

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