University of Calgary Press
Books from this publisher
Historical GIS Research in Canada
John C. Parkin, Archives and Photography
Reflections on the Practice and Presentation of Modern Architecture
Marion Nicoll
Silence and Alchemy
Marion Nicoll
Silence and Alchemy
John C. Parkin, Archives and Photography
Reflections on the Practice and Presentation of Modern Architecture
Greening the Maple
Canadian Ecocriticism in Context
My Name is Lola
The Fast-Changing Arctic
Rethinking Arctic Security for a Warmer World
L'Alberta Autophage
Identités, mythes et discours du pétrole dans l'Ouest canadien
L' Alberta Autophage
Identités, mythes et discours du pétrole dans l'Ouest canadien
Cover and Uncover
Eric Cameron
Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan
Our Dream Is That Our Peoples Will One Day Be Clearly Recognized as Nations
Shipwreck at Cape Flora
The Expeditions of Benjamin Leigh Smith, England's Forgotten Arctic Explorer
Wilderness and Waterpower
How Banff National Park Became a Hydro-Electric Storage Reservoir
Parks, Peace, and Partnership
Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation
New Perspectives on Canada in the Second World War
Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will
The Political Philosophy of Kai Nielsen
Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will
The Political Philosophy of Kai Nielsen
Grey Matters
A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors
A Century of Parks Canada, 1911-2011
Inuit Art and the Quest for Canada's Arctic Sovereignty
Social Work in Africa
Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana
The Land Has Changed
History, Society, and Gender in Colonial Nigeria
Neighbours and Networks
The Blood Tribe in the Southern Alberta Economy, 1884-1939
From Many, One
Peasants, Borders, and Education in Callista, Mexico, 1924-1935
Linking Nature and Culture for Understanding and Planning
100 Years of Anne with an 'e'
The Centennial Study of Anne of Green Gables
After Appropriation
Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion
The Politics of Access
University Education and Nation Building in Nigeria, 1948-2000
Belief and Agency
Truth and Values
Essays for Hans Herzberger
Hearts and Minds
Canadian Romance at the Dawn of the Modern Era, 1900-1930