University of Calgary Press
Books from this publisher
Songs of the North Woods as sung by O.J. Abbott and collected by Edith Fowke
Heritage Covenants and Preservation
The Calgary Civic Trust
Danger, Death, and Disaster in the Crowsnest Pass Mines 1902-1928
Explorations of the Contemporary City
Archaeology on the Edge
New Perspectives from the Northern Plains
The Garden of Art
Vic Cicansky, Sculptor
Agricultural Politics in the Fifties
An Alberta Bestiary
Animals of the Rolling Hills
The People Who Own Themselves
Aboriginal Ethnogenesis in a Canadian Family, 1660-1900
Scholarly Journals in the New Digital World
The Bar U and Canadian Ranching History
The Stories Women Tell about the Things They Keep
Blackfoot Ways of Knowing
The Worldview of the Siksikaitsitapi
War North of 80
The Last German Arctic Weather Station of World War II
Harm's Way
Disasters in Western Canada
Harm's Way
Disasters in Western Canada
Canada and the New American Empire
War and Anti-War
Writing Geographical Exploration
Thomas James and the Northwest Passage, 1631-33
To Be a Cowboy
Oliver Christensen's Story
Eugene A. Forsey
An Intellectual Biography
The Citizen's Voice
Twentieth-Century Politics and Literature
Chinese Characters
Prisoner of Cage Farm
The Wild Rose Anthology of Alberta Prose
Eric J. Hanson's Financial History of Alberta, 1905-1950
Magic off Main
The Art of Esther Warkov
An Unsettled Spirit
The Life and Frontier Fiction of Edith Lyttleton (G.B. Lancaster) 1873-1945
An Unsettled Spirit
The Life and Frontier Fiction of Edith Lyttleton (G.B. Lancaster) 1873-1945
Magic off Main
The Art of Esther Warkov