Scholastic Canada Ltd
Books from this publisher

Hockey à babord!

Hockey Superstars 2006-2007

Sadie the Ballerina


Le Noël des bonshommes de neige

Looney Bay All-Stars #2: Looney Bay All-Stars Meet the Knights

Seeing and Believing
A Mike and Riel Mystery

The Hockey Tree

Mon amie la neige

Jack Russell Dog Detective #1: Dog Den Mystery

My Story: The Battle of Britain
Harry Woods, England 1939-1941

Allons aux citrouilles!

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

Rien à porter!

No Clean Clothes

Raconte-moi une histoire : Tes chaussettes sentent la mouffette!

Beneath the Crown: The Last Duchess

Raconte-moi une histoire : Maquillage à gogo

Teaching with Dear Canada Vol. 3

Je veux lire : Des monstres!

Moi, je m'aime!

Radio Fifth Grade

Scooby-Doo! S.O.S. naufrage

Les mouffettes

Animaux des terres humides

Andrew's Loose Tooth (Tell Me A Story!)
Book and CD

Lost Treasures
25 True Stories of Discovery

Please Clean Up Your Room!

The Sandcastle Contest (Tell Me A Story!)
Book and CD

Tell Me a Story: Please Clean Up Your Room!
Book and CD