Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher
The Making of Post-War Canada
Social Control in Canada
Issues in the Social Construction of Deviance

Cohesion Policy and European Integration
Building Multi-level Governance

Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine

Contact Canada

The Visual Brain in Action

Doing Right
A Practical Guide to Ethics for Medical Trainees and Physicians
20th Century Poetry and Poetics

Surgical Anatomy of the Ocular Adnexa
A Clinical Approach

British Idealism and Social Explanation
A Study in Late Victorian Thought
Only Connect
Readings on Children's Literature
Campaign Canada
The Pro-Choice Movement
Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict

The Poems of William Cowper: Volume II: 1782-1785

The Poems of William Cowper: Volume III: 1785-1800
The Almanac of Canadian Politics

Logic on the Track of Social Change

Separability and Aggregation
The Collected Works of W. M. Gorman, Volume I

Free Lie Algebras

Stranger in You
Selected Poems and New

Flying Lesson
Selected Poems

The Life of Adam Smith

Trading Arrangements in the Pacific Rim: ASEAN and APEC
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Gender and Politics in Contemporary Canada
Constructing Neurology

The Adapted Mind
Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture

Thinkers of the Twenty Years' Crisis
Inter-War Idealism Reassessed

Fetal Medicine
Prenatal Diagnosis and Management

On Common Ground 1
Teacher's Resource
Studies in Neuropsychology
Selected Papers of Arthur Benton