Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher
Takin' Care of Business
A History of Working People's Rock 'n' Roll
Conserving the Oceans
The Politics of Large Marine Protected Areas
Rules for Wrongdoers
Law, Morality, War
Multisystemic Resilience
Adaptation and Transformation in Contexts of Change
Pain Psychology for Clinicians
A Practical Guide for the Non-Psychologist Managing Patients with Chronic Pain
Pygmalion, Heartbreak House, and Saint Joan
Philip Roth
A Counterlife
Beyond Chance and Credence
A Theory of Hybrid Probabilities

Real-Life Sociology
A Canadian Approach

The Dual Penal State
The Crisis of Criminal Law in Comparative-Historical Perspective
Canadians and Their Natural Environment
A History
Audible Infrastructures
Music, Sound, Media
The Oxford Handbook of Music and Advertising
The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Brain
Reconsidering Causal Powers
Historical and Conceptual Perspectives
The Art and Science of Compassion, A Primer
Reflections of a Physician-Chaplain

Research Methods in the Social Sciences
An A-Z of key concepts
Conducting Empirical Research in Canadian Political Science
A Line of Blood and Dirt
Creating the Canada-United States Border across Indigenous Lands
Business Lobbying in the European Union
The Humanitarian Civilian
How the Idea of Distinction Circulates Within and Beyond International Humanitarian Law
Fueling Resistance
The Contentious Political Economy of Biofuels and Fracking

The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy
Kant's Justification of Ethics
Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Re-Examining the Law and Ethics of Robotic Warfare
Time, Temporality, and History in Process Organization Studies
The Shape of Agency
Control, Action, Skill, Knowledge

Circulating Enlightenment
The Career and Correspondence of Andrew Millar, 1727-68

The Unfinished Book
Audible Infrastructures