Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher
Wisdom Mind
Mindfulness for Cognitively Healthy Older Adults and Those With Subjective Cognitive Decline, Facilitator Guide
Wisdom Mind
Mindfulness for Cognitively Healthy Older Adults and Those With Subjective Cognitive Decline, Participant Workbook

Critical Perspectives in Food Studies
Multidisciplinary Advances in Efficient Separation Processes
Hope Under Oppression

When Sonia Met Boris
Increase your Brainability - and reduce your risk of dementia
Parameters of Predicate Fronting
An Activity of Mind and Brain
Sosipatra of Pergamum
Philosopher and Oracle

Virginia Woolf and Poetry
Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully
An Evidence-Based Intervention for Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers
A Study in Non-Ideal Epistemology
The Oxford Handbook of the Apocrypha
The Political Economy of Automotive Industrialization in East Asia
Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI
Women and Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Germany
The Oxford Handbook of Neuronal Protein Synthesis
Wastepaper Modernism
Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Ruins of Print
Naturally Free Action
Deliberative Peace Referendums
The Flesh of the Word
The extra Calvinisticum from Zwingli to Early Orthodoxy
Transforming Ethnomusicology Volume I
Methodologies, Institutional Structures, and Policies
The Experience of Emerging Adulthood Among Street-Involved Youth
Media Ventriloquism
How Audiovisual Technologies Transform the Voice-Body Relationship

Acute Care of At-Risk Newborns
A Resource and Learning Tool for Health Care Professionals

On Life, Death, and Languages
An Arabic Critical Edition and English Translation of Epistles 29-31
The Ethics of Architecture
Introduction to International Development
Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice
Metaphysical Emergence
Classiques de la littérature universelle
Manuel de l'étudiant
Transforming Ethnomusicology Volume II
Political, Social and Ecological Issues